The Essential Elements of a Quality Asphalt Driveway

2023-08-15T01:31:39+00:00April 23rd, 2019|Asphalt Driveway|

A quality asphalt driveway is aesthetically pleasing, strong, and durable, easily lasting two decades or more. However, the driveway must be properly designed, constructed, and maintained to achieve this lifespan. Here are the essential elements of a quality asphalt driveway. Site Prep and Foundation The site of your future driveway must be prepared to accept [...]

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Signs of a Neglected Parking Lot

2021-09-20T20:16:27+00:00April 10th, 2019|Parking Lot Maintenance|

Asphalt has an estimated useful life of around 25 years. To maximize its lifespan, though, it is essential to perform regular maintenance and repairs. If you neglect this responsibility, you will start to notice worsening damage that could lead to early replacement. Here are some common signs of a neglected parking lot. Cracks Cracking is [...]

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